Urbanova is one of the innovators in the smart cities movement, bringing together leaders in utility infrastructure, smart metering and communications, higher education, energy efficiency, population health, and urban planning to create a smart city technology proving ground in the heart of Spokane, Washington.
Learn more about Urbanova.
Scott Morris Center for Energy Innovation
This four-story hub facility houses a central energy plant to power it and its neighboring Catalyst Building - both buildings are top in their class and will house Eastern Washington University's electrical engineering and cybersecurity programs. Learn more about the Center for Energy Innovation and the Catalyst Building.
Named as a “Top U.S. Intelligent Community”, the region is home to multiple Tier 1, 2 and 3 level telecom service providers offering diverse and redundant networks with access to regional, national and global markets and customers. Geographically, the community is ranked among the safest areas in the nation for natural disasters, according to Sperling’s Best Places, Congressional Natural Hazards Caucus, and Forbes Magazine. This makes Spokane an ideal regional, national, and global location for critical business services as well as manufacturing, data storage and disaster recovery. The region also boasts a diverse and growing collection of cloud-based, software development and entrepreneurial firms with national and global reach.
Known as the Evergreen State, Washington State’s economy embraces clean technologies, business-driven energy efficiency and environmental solutions. As a region, Spokane is leading the way in creating innovative and exciting best practices. Our region is fortunate to be home to a number of globally, regionally and nationally significant companies in a variety of sectors that provide services and products.
Leading industry segments include:
An energy company involved in the production, transmission and distribution of energy, and other energy-related businesses.
Provides electric service to 13 counties in eastern Washington and northern Idaho.
Conversational Artificial Intelligence that enables natural interactions with intelligent assistants and chatbots.
Technology services organization that creates, manages, secures and supports mission-critical technology environments.
Invents, designs, and builds digital products and systems that protect power grids around the world.
Enables utilities and cities to safely, securely, and reliably deliver critical infrastructure services to communities in more than 100 countries.
Intrinium is a managed services provider specializing in all types of businesses from Healthcare, to Finance, to Retail businesses within the United States.
non-farm employment is tech sector based
IT businesses
environmental services firms
Spokane’s higher education system includes five universities and two community colleges. Numerous degrees, from two-year through PhD, are available in the greater Spokane region to support the computer science, information technology, engineering, mathematics and general technology industry workforce. Spokane is a national leader in K-12 STEM education programming, and higher education assets include Washington State University’s (WSU) Applied Sciences Lab and Gonzaga University’s Smart Antenna and Radio Laboratory. WSU is also leading research in energy and the environment in Smart Grid, renewables, bio-fuels, precision agriculture, air and water. Pacific Northwest National Laboratory is a DOE research facility with a focus on energy and environmental research and solutions.